Sunday, July 03, 2011


I was trying to find an emblem of my alma mater to be used in my scrapbook when i got my hands on this small booklet. It was my LITERA2 quiz booklet. I remember how much I enjoyed this subject because my creativity emerged and I do not feel pressured at all. In this booklet I wrote my quiz, which as I recall was to create a story with some fixed character. Here is what I wrote:

The Story of Magulaman's Tragedy

When we were little, Masago was usually the popular one. Mother said the mole in her left eye made her more beautiful than I am. People would notice her for her talent, beauty, and skill. I look like her, but I do not have a mole like her.

When we were 18, I met Takejiro. He was older than I am but he treats me as an equal. We hang out together and shared secrets which I wasn't able to do with Masago.

One fine day, Takejiro went to our house and found out that I have a twin sister. While I was out, Masago entertained him. Doing her charmed spells, Takejiro fell for her. They were married when we got 19 and decided to live in another place.

The night before they left, I tied Masago in our favorite 'secret' hiding place. I put a mole in the corner of my left eye and wore the lilac shirt just like Masago. I was thrilled of my little evil plan. Finally, I will be able to be with Takejiro in a place where there's no Masago.

Nobody noticed the change. Mother taught that Magulaman, I, was away in my own adventure. She didn't care about me anyway.

While we were off to Yamashina stage road to rest for a while, a man wearing a grayish-blue silk kimono approached us and introduced himself as Tajomaru. He was well-built and was taller than Takejiro. I noticed that he kept on looking at me, at first on my face, but later on, on my chest.

I was frightened, and I let myself under Takejiro's arms. I was comforted. I ignored the man and just relaxed, thinking that tomorrow would be a new beginning for me and Takejiro. I'm going to be his lovely wife, as she thought with a smile on her face.

But suddenly, Takejiro sat upright. I awoke with a start, and realized that Tajomaru had something behind Takejiro's back. I was confused and restless. I started pleading. With a grim face, he told me that it was I that he like.

I stalled and bargained on him. I told him that if he would let go of my husband, I will go with him. He thought it was a good idea. And so he tied first Takejiro and started walking towards me. I had a knife beside me and used it to threaten him, to kill Tajomaru if necessary. He kept on chasing me, rounding the grove till I got back to the bamboo and cedars where Takejiro was.

He was standing in front of Takejiro, insulting me. Telling me that he's gonna cut my husband's thing, before he would rape me. My blood rose to my head, and lunged on him with the knife on my hand. But the man was quick enough to duck on the bushes.

The knife landed on Takejiro's chest. I killed him. I killed the one who truly appreciates me. I killed my husband. I killed Masago's husband. I killed myself. (violent sob in the end)

------I got the highest score of 4 for this quiz... with my professor's comment "dramatic =) ". It was refreshing to find a piece like that hehe.