Friday, February 10, 2012


There's been a lot of changes happening in my life since the latter part of 2011. Change is constant but not easy all the time.
I changed my current location for a number of reasons, but mainly to be with my long time partner. From our previous status of Long Distance Relationship to a much more formal,more mature, and more committed status... Engaged. It's a major change for both of us. Before I came here, he was not so keen in sharing his privacy. On the contrary, I like being with a lot of people, and letting others help me with chores. Presently, there's just the two of us, R and K, adjusting and discovering a lot of things with each other. We argue, cry, and laugh at our differences but our values are the same, which makes us stronger as an individual and as a team. I love him more than ever.

Like a pebble thrown on a lake, it caused a ripple. I had to resign from the hospital where I used to work, relocate and find a job suitable for me. Luckily, I got accepted on my first interview and worked just after 2 weeks of settling down. I am fortunate enough to be accepted right away even without an Australian certificate for that kind of job nor experience whatsoever. I am not yet registered to do my profession from my homecountry. I am still working on it, and hoping that everything will fit just as God would want it to be. I am praying that God will give us more strength, more patience, and more wisdom in doing everything what we have to do.

By next month, I will start writing my name long. Status will be changed as our families would stand with us to witness our union. FB status won't be changed yet until the latter part of the year. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm hopeful that God would bless our union all the time.

On my view regarding life, it definitely changed. I'm having a hard time accepting that an individual with a very healthy lifestyle could be susceptible to a disease that I just studied in books. Why did this happen to a very good person? A person who not only inspires a lot of people, but also helps in a lot of ways than imagined. Sometimes, I think life is so unfair for not doing this to bad people instead. But at the end of the day, I myself would have to admit that those people who hardens the life of other people are still needed to make a necessary change to the individuals who are affected by it. We all have a purpose in life, and it's true that in this life, we're just here temporarily. I still hate though that the person we all love would have to undergo it at such an early stage in life.

Anyway, heads up and cheer up! We all have our own fate. I still need to cringe some more for other changes but still praying and hoping that I may be able to adjust well to it. Enjoy and C'est la vie! :D