Friday, February 18, 2005

Late Bloomer

I learned that there will be a Grand Alumni Homecoming in our highschool. I was asked if I would attend the event. The answer was No. My reason? I don’t feel confident in meeting my former classmates. Yes, I graduated ahead of them, and even worked for big companies. But I am not satisfied. I am studying Nursing as a second degree because it opens more doors for opportunities than my first one.

I met my friend back in college who’s now studying MA on our degree. I was not surprised when she said she’s going to pursue even Doctorate afterwards. But I was shocked when I saw the twinkle in her eyes while she was talking about International and Traditional Security, two of the topics that were bombarded on us during my college days. When I looked at her, it reflected a girl who had gotten her first bouquet from her suitor, even though we were actually talking about International conflicts and such.

Another friend, who pursued Accountancy is now a successful CPA, working for one of the top accounting firm as soon as she graduated. I asked her if she really liked the field she chose at the start of college life. She answered with conviction, a smiley yes.

People are blessed to have an early passion on the things they want to pursue in their life. With that, they would be able to work their way towards achieving their goal early in their life. As for me, maybe God has a purpose for letting me experience a hodge podge of everything, so that once I choose what path I would undertake, it would be valued greatly and persevere to reach my goal.

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