Wednesday, February 28, 2007

3 months

I haven’t included yet the part where I spent my 3 months of absence in the blogging world. Usually, I am online at YM, email, friendster, and in blogspot because I am online chatting with my better half, Ham. But during that time, he was away, not in his flat in Sydney but back in his homeland, yep he was here!

Let’s go and talk about my Birthday month first. I celebrated my 23rd birthday at home, just the usual surprise party planned by Mom and Ate Mi. Ham and I weren’t able to chat since he was having his final exam that time (A very toxic time for him) and moving some of his stuff at his cousin’s place up North. Very busy indeed, but then, I wouldn’t complain on that, not since he SURPRISED me during our Capping and Pinning Ceremony. ^_______^

I didn’t know that he talked secretly with my Mom and was asking question as to how to reach the Sto. Domingo Church where it was held. He even called me the day before, and was telling me that he’s in the train station and was waiting for the “train” that would transport him in the Amusement Park to meet his cousin and nephews. Of course I believed him; he’s not fond of lying anyway.

The next day, during the ceremony, I just couldn’t shake myself from wishing that a miracle would happen and let Ham be with me during that time. The ceremony was nearing its end, and I feel a bit depressed for having wished something so impossible. My cellphone suddenly rang, it was Ham, just asking me where am I and what am I doing, I said “I’m in the ceremony. Why?” I asked. Then suddenly, I realized that his background was also my background. I turned around and there he was standing at the back of the last pew. It was like a scene in a movie! My reaction that time was remarkable, I reckon. He walked towards my Mom and sat beside her. I had to crane my neck just to see him clearly, since I couldn’t still believe my eyes, and couldn’t believe that my Ham was able to pull that surprise-thing perfectly. I couldn’t contain myself any longer and so I dragged him outside and there I talked and hugged and kissed him all at once. My eyes and smile sparkle afterwards especially when I received my cap in the altar. ^____^

A few dates afterward and then he started working part time in a Gaming company with our friend Bri as his “boss” in the Marketing Department. Good thing he’s our friend, and he managed to get the “Big boss” in allowing him to work for only a month due to time constraint in his sched. I managed to fetched him there one time and see how it operates. Imagine my shock when most of those who work there are wearing just shirt and maong pants while my Ham is in his long sleeves folded up to his elbow, and pants. He looks more like the boss actually, hehe, he’s so handsome!

Anyway, that was around December. Aside from Ham’s work, another highlight would have to be the time when Ham arranged a dinner meeting for me to meet his brother and his fiancée. It felt like it was a job interview that I have to pass and get the first impression right. We dined at Kimono Ken just across Little Asia where we had our first real date back in 2002. I just couldn’t speak that much, first off: I had colds that time, second: I just don’t know how to butt-in in her sister-in-law’s stories; and lastly: I was still gauging how to deal with them.

Anyway, after the dinner, I thought I could go home early and rest after that stressful encounter. But I was wrong. His sis-in-law (Cat) invited us for some dessert at Annabel Lee’s. The place was cozy, very relaxing. I actually like it. Still conversing, there I start to talk a bit until we were invited at her place for a game of Scrabble. That time, I wasn’t really that sure if I could play it with sense. I haven’t play that game for real, so I don’t know the specific details of it. Anyway, though the 3 of them are good in putting words and earning points, and I am not, I felt so doomed. But sorry, Cat’s mom helped me in the latter part, and I managed to bag the first place, great! I still believe in the beginner’s luck. ^__^. That night was stressful I must admit, but I managed to enjoy it, and hope that somehow I was accepted by his bro and sis-in-law even for a bit.

By the way, Ham gave me two guinea pigs this time, Boo and Gab. Boo already passed away. He only managed to live for a month. Good thing Gab is still warm, fat, alive, and coos like a bird up until now.

January was the most toxic month for Ham. That was the month wherein he toured Bora (again), Palawan, Bohol, and Bacolod for some diving spots and finding nemo. Lots of underwater pictures were taken and they were mostly good, different kinds of fishes, shrimps, and a shipwreck. It was also during this time that he had to practice his song for his lola’s 90th party, and writing the speech for his bro’s wedding.

Finally February came, though I was invited in the wedding of his bro, I couldn’t just go there and attend. It was a Friday, and as usual, our Evaluation exam. I couldn’t let it pass. The night before the wedding, I felt happy and yet sad and jealous for Cat. For finally, she’s gonna be formally a part of their family. I on the other hand, is clearly not welcome, and it would be a Mission Impossible if I would insist myself to them. Oh well, that’s another sad part of my life.

During Ham’s last night here, we dined and watch movie with his friends at Rockwell. It was quite memorable since one of his friends was having a hard time in the matters of the heart. His friends are quite amusing actually and I understand now their personalities. He wasn’t able to extend his stay here and still needs to fix his PR stuff in Australia so he really has to go. He was here for 3 months and we spent most of our time together with some quality time… what more could I ask for?

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