Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Cold Case

I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep, constant revision in output, or the threat of “backjob” that made our group so tensed and uptight the past few weeks. The defense for our case was finally over last March 8 (Thank God!). We don’t know yet our grade but at least we don’t have to rewrite it from the start (as the usual case in other groups).

However, there are still some revisions and with that, the cold war isn’t over yet, as with the case of R and C. Moods aren’t that good still and it’s between the “mature one” and the “toxic one”. I sure hope it’ll be over soon, I miss the “toxic’s” toxicity in the group.

In a group, be it school related or just in my circle of friends, I am always neutral. I thought that it is a better way of dealing with groups. I didn’t know that a friend of mine was already hurt with that kind of attitude.

All I wanted to do is to for everyone to feel acknowledged. I don’t like odds, I always wanted it to be even. I make sure that everybody’s got a pair. But that didn’t happen last week. One of my friends felt “left out” since all had backed out from the planned activity that day---watching 300.

I felt bad when he walked out on us. I don’t know how to console him, so we just let it be and cool it off. Hoping that the next time we’ll meet it will be over soon and everything will be like it used to be. That didn’t happen. While my friend was ok now in dealing with my other friends, I still get the cold shoulders.

It was only this afternoon that I learned the true reason why he got ill feelings about me. I’m not good in explaining but I hope I’ll be able to explain my side the next time we’ll meet.

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