Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Truth potion

I grew up in a family were most of our male family members are the usual "pabling", "chickboy", and a "player" in a MILD sense. Anyway, there's this one rule that I observed from them.. No matter how big the evidence was, they won't ever admit doing it. Is it really the unwritten rule in our male dominated society?

Anyway my friend Doug (not his real name), did otherwise. He told his wife that he had an affair after a lot of investigation from his wife. Now, he's suffering the consequence of that illicit action. Even though he did that to show his regret and remorse, his wife won't ever trust him 100%.

My Inay on the other hand is regretting for ever finding out about the truth with her Asawa. Even with a lot of hints and later on the truth from her sis-in-law. She's happy to believe that her Asawa is one of a kind and wouldn't do such things. But it was fated for her to know the TRUTH. She was distraught and unhappy. Over the time, she regained her self-esteem, forgiven him, and still hopes they'll be together in the end. However, she still preferred not knowing the whole story.

Now here's my big question.. would all girls prefer for their beau to admit their affair or not?

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