Saturday, November 27, 2010

In the Woods of Forbes

Almost one year ago we transferred to a rented unit, 36 square meters big, at the 2nd floor of tower 6. It was during my birthday that we were able to view the place and decided to get it from the broker. I've been with 5 beautiful ladies as housemates, and each one has their own reason for wanting to rent the place, mostly because we all live far from our present workplace. A is the big sister to all of us, but she's also one big contributor to why we were able to rent the place. It was her bank account that we used to pay the unit. She's the bubbly friend we all want, a girlfriend material, but sadly keeps on meeting the wrong guy who gives her heartache. Hopefully the present one won't break her heart. K, that's me, is the second one chronologically speaking. I'm just a simple girl with simple needs. Kt is our most pure hearted housemate. She's so in love with Jesus, and she guides me spiritually. C is our model housemate. If she really likes something or someone, she'll go gaga over it. I just hope she finds happiness with the one she likes. T is our babaeng bakla housemate. She's got a lot of stories to tell and you can't help but just laugh out loud with it. Lastly, the princess N. What she likes, she'll definitely get.

It was a slow start at first, as we adjust to our financial commitment. There were times that we want to just give up the place especially when some of us were transferred to QC and we have no other choice but to pay more to compensate for it. Until we agreed on paying the same thing until we finish the contract whether or not we're staying there.

Lots of memories were created there. More happy moments, thank God! That's why it's giving us a hard time to move out completely. Aside from that, there's just me, C, and N who's willing to rent still. We only have 2 more days to completely vacate the unit.. and we still don't have a place to stay. We're still hoping for the best. Wherever it is, I'm sure God will approve of it. ^__^

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