Sunday, November 06, 2005

End of things

Sem break has come to an end, and it slipped past me without hardly noticing it. It was not spent on a beach as what the others would have done, nor out of town to see more of the evergreens. I didn’t spend much money, just enough for some caffeine to last the day.

I didn’t have the ideal sem break but I guess I accomplished much compared to my previous term breaks.

I cried. I laughed. I prayed. I thanked thee.

Everything that happened had a purpose, and I had some hint. It confirmed something good but also offered new puzzlement.

We talked. We shared. We collaborated. We praised thee.

My relationship with my God and family was renewed. After 3 weeks of strict observance, finally Lolo was advised to continue recuperating at home. He’s still got a tank of oxygen though, just to be in a safe side.

I read. I read. I read. I read.

Nothing left to do but read. I finished the last three books of the Mallorean series and it felt so good. I realized that I like David Eddings now better than Terry Goodkind. I’ve grown to like the characters which D has provided. He tied loose ends on each series and consistently inserted humor and erring that inevitably made them more popular and known.

I ate. I chomped. I devoured. I munched.

Watching somebody sleeps just after midnight makes one more light headed and indulgent of a good night sleep. Burger Mcdo or Jollibee fries will keep me fine.

I haven’t slept that much. The sleep from my eyes is now sweetly blocking my mind. It’s time for bed, it says.

Good night.

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