Sunday, May 08, 2005

A Glimpse of the past

I was complaining how boring my summer is, but I take it back. I contracted Typhoid fever, which tied me at the hospital bed for 6 days. I could only sit and lie back down during the entire week for it’s either I got 40C fever or having a terrible headache. Mom made it light for me, for she was there hugging me on top of the 3 blankets that wrapped me just so I could feel warm and stop shivering. She would wake up in the middle of the night just so I could have my sponge bath and level down my body temp. I had been grouchy at her while I had that fever as I later on learned but that doesn’t made her lose her temper on me. She has done a lot of things for me, and for our family, and she deserved to be honored… Mommy Happy Mother’s day! I love you very much. Though not all would agree for they have their own votes, but for me, she’s the greatest mom in the whole world.

Anyways, it’s not only my Mom whom I want to say thank you…my tita (Mom’s younger sister) whom I consider my second mom. The same day I got sick, she also learned of her condition, but hers is more serious. She got heart problems. She is our confidante, and the one who took the place of Nanay in “controlling” our behavior and putting it in a straight line. Her condition restricts her in assuming that position now. During the time I was in the hospital, she would visit me everyday and I know that despite of her condition she was praying for me first so I could be well again. Happy Mother’s Day Ate Mi! I know that you’re a strong woman, kaya mo ‘yan! We’re here for you.

Happy Mother’s day to all!

I am so glad to be back home and to be able to do things normally again. I went to see old friends again and go home late, tee-hee-hee. I went to see Ai and ate at Dad’s, her treat for being promoted in her job. I met Jay who lives nearby the school, Pao’s bf and chatted with him for a while and learned that they are going to Bora…awww… but he would go straight to US and stay there till the end of May to visit his lola. I met my old friend Keo who just got back from his trip to Canada-Korea-Zambales-Guam-and other parts of US and extended the anime VCDs I borrowed from him. I went to Mai’s office and dine out with her preggy officemate. I dropped by at her house for a while and made me feel her new and very expensive bed. It really felt nice and worth having. She drove me home but before that, went to see her old pal at St. Luke’s ER. I was happy and giddy with the way it turned out. She was asking me the reason for being so giddy bout it, but I could only say that it’s because after almost 2 years of them not seeing nor talking to each other… there they are and just talking whatever they could think of (Mai sitting on the car and “Papadoc” just standing outside the passenger seat haha). I know I shouldn’t be kilig with that but I can’t help it. I know their story, can’t help but revive it on my mind hahaha.

On the other hand, just this very moment, aside from what I said earlier, the reason why I was happy with their meeting was because I had a glimpse of what I was during “their time”. I think it was then that I was really interested with the same sex, and really considered having a relationship with a femme. It was the time that I was so adventurous and was willing to try out new things.

Speaking of my past, I had a chat with an old acquaintance and told me bout his “adventures” the past few days. Since I got the image of being so open-minded and thinking I have some stories to tell, he told me of his bar story. He met a girl in a bar and told me bout what happened that night. He told me that the girl was bi, and since he knew my preference, he is willing to divulge bout that meeting. He was expecting that I’ve got some interesting story too but sorry, I’m a renewed person now. I am committed and if that makes me boring, I will live to that. I love my boyfriend and my life now. I am happy and contented. Boring? Sure, no problem. ^___^

1 comment:

boy okoy said...

You didn't let me visit you in the hospital... ~_~