Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Daddy's girl

This morning I was feeling jittery. I thought something was wrong. I texted Ham if he's ok, and prayed that God would protect my family from harm. Thank God nothing's really wrong.

I thank God for all the blessings He gave me even if I sometimes feel that im not worthy of it. Today, I had these blessings.

First, I already have my period... after 2 months of waiting, not that i'm afraid of being pregnant,hehe. (can webcam do that? kidding....)but the thought of not able to eliminate menses in my body seems scary.

Second, I got a good grade for midterms.Pero barat talaga CIs namin sa grade, but at least...^__^. I wasn't expecting it, really.

Third, i received dad's gift a while ago which he sent thru johnny air.

here they are:

1. littmann stethoscope- finally i could hear the apical pulse of anyone clearly, unlike when I used my other stet, I couldn't hear it and just made up the apical rate of my partner just for the sake of saying a number close enough to her Pulse rate.

2. BP kit- for home use.

3. Harry potter 6- i could finally start reading it and not be tempted of borrowing grace's copy.

4. 2 Enzo Angiolini black leather shoes- which i could wear in work, or in gimik. Dad really knows what I like.

5. Burberry perfume- in addition to my Burberry Weekend. not that i use it regularly, i still prefer colognes though. perfumes--just for my collection.

6. a pair of glasses- i lost my nine west glasses at school and it's so sad for I
really saved the money I spent for that.

7. 2 Aeropostale shirts- i really like polo shirts now

8. Elmo stuffed toy- Im still Dad's little girl!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Exercise makes a womam eat more?

I found this article on Tina Juan’s column at Inq7 entitled “Well and Good: Exercise makes women eat more?”. Her article really caught my attention for it’s happening to me. I sometimes make myself desperate for exercise but indulge on food and sweets for godsake after each work out! Or, when I eat McDo meals before my trainings, yikes! No wonder I still feel flubby and chubby all the same.

I once asked my friend to accompany me in jogging but to my disappointment he said, “wag na, lalo ka lang tatakaw”, which was probably true after all.

Here I posted the full article of Ms. Tina Juan from her Lifestyle column in Inquirer posted on Aug 22, 2005.

Well and Good : Exercise makes a woman eat more?

IT’S unfair but true. Men have an easier time losing weight than women.

Scientists think it could be because women’s cells are more prone to storing fat. A new study may have discovered another reason. Exercise may stimulate a woman’s appetite so she ends up eating an equal amount of calories or more than she burns in the workout.

In the past, research found that male rats did not increase their caloric intake in response to exercise and consequently lost weight. Female rats ate more after exercising and maintained their weights.

It turns out that, when it comes to exercise and appetite, humans may be just like rats. Many studies have shown that moderate and high-intensity exercise has no effect on a man’s appetite.

A Canadian study at the University of Ottawa found women participants consumed more calories at lunch after exercising vigorously in the morning compared to when they exercised at a low intensity or not at all.
Researchers defined “high intensity” as walking at a fast pace for 37 minutes on a treadmill (70 percent of peak oxygen uptake) while “low intensity” (40 percent of peak oxygen uptake) was defined as walking at a slow pace for 65 minutes.

The duration of workouts was adjusted so that everyone was burning 350 calories per session.

Is no exercise better?

Does this mean it’s better not to exercise or, at least not vigorously, if you want to lose weight? Not at all. The Canadian study found that the women ate 878 calories during lunch after a high-intensity workout, 819 calories after low-intensity exercise, and 751 calories when they did not exercise.

Although they ate the fewest calories at lunch when they did not exercise, a comparison of the amount of calories taken in the whole day and calories used showed they actually had more net calories. So, to lose weight, it’s still better to exercise than sit on the couch.

A 2002 study found that fit menopausal women only had 25 percent body fat compared to sedentary menopausal women who had 38 percent body fat.

You burn more total fat calories during vigorous workouts compared to lower intensity exercise. As long as you control what and how much you eat after workouts, you will still be a winner in the weight-loss game. So if you enjoy vigorous exercise, go ahead.

Less body fat

A 1990 study on 1,366 women and 1,257 men suggested that those who did high-intensity exercise tended to have less body fat than those who did lower-intensity workouts.

For those who cannot control their appetite, low-intensity, longer duration exercise may be more appropriate.

Appetite is temporarily suppressed immediately after exercise but ravenous hunger can occur one to two hours later. Take advantage of that small “window of opportunity.” Eat a small snack within 30 minutes after working out if you are not ready for a main meal.

The snack should be about 100-150 calories and should contain protein and carbohydrates, like a glass of milk. The protein helps to suppress appetite while carbohydrates help restore glycogen (a stored form of carbohydrates in the muscles) used during workout.

Do not exercise hungry because you will be very hungry afterwards. For example, if you exercise at 5 p.m. and the last meal you ate was lunch, don’t be surprised if you lose control of your appetite at dinner.
Watch out for psychological hunger. It’s that attitude that says, “I deserve to eat as much as I want because I had a hard workout.” You are probably not burning as many calories as you think.

In a 2004 University of Alabama study, normal-weight women overestimated the amount of physical activity they did in one day (formal exercise plus activities of daily living) by 600 calories. Overweight women overestimated it by 900 calories.


Aside from gender, appetite after exercise is also affected by temperature.

Scientists have long suspected that swimming in cold water increases the appetite compared to jogging or cycling that makes one feel hot and sweaty afterwards. Some studies have also found that swimming is not as effective for weight loss as land-based exercise.

Jaci Van Heest, exercise physiologist of the United States Swimming Association, says although elite swimmers and runners burn about the same amount of calories while training, top swimmers have three to five percent more body fat than top runners.

Researchers at the University of Florida have confirmed that there is indeed a connection between cold-water exercise and appetite.

They compared the energy used and calories consumed after riding a stationary bike submerged in cold water (68°F) and warm water (91.4°F).

Participants burned 517 calories in cold water then consumed 877 calories. When they exercised in warm water, they burned 505 calories then consumed 608 calories.

That’s why scuba diving could open up my appetite like no other activity could.

No guarantee

The message is that exercise does not guarantee weight loss if you will overcompensate for the calories burned. That goes for both men and women. A study last year illustrated that less was sometimes more. Male participants did either one set or three sets of upper body weight lifting exercises for two months. Both groups became 21 percent stronger but the group that lifted only one set had a greater fat loss (19 percent) than the group that did three sets (10 percent).

Calorie overcompensation was the suspected reason.

Solitary confinement

I woke up late today. Mom's gone to school and Kim off to gym. I was sitting here and rereading Da Vinci Code again. I watched the National Geographic regarding the investigation on Swiss Air when it blew up into pieces last 1998. It might seem boring but it's really not.

I was planning to go to our Karate practice but I feel so tired and lazy that I just want to read and not leave the house (occasionally daydreaming for Nov 22) *grin*.

I'm still here.. waiting for them to arrive.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Ninong's Birthday

I said I don't want to move and to leave the house, but it's Ninong's (my godfather and uncle at the same time) bday, my Mom's younger brother. We were told to go there before 6pm for the Mass. My Mom being so makulit told me to get my butt of the chair, stop reading HP5, and dress myself up for the night, which I did after a lot of persuading.

Being the Head priest in one of the biggest and oldest Church in the district, the celebration was quite big, with the other priests co-celebrating the Mass with him, a grand march to the altar with the Knight of Columbus in their majestic uniforms, and with politicians and actors for guests.

It was heartwarming to see his parishioners celebrate and wish him long and blessed life. They had prepared a program for him which on first part, we, his family went to the stage, and other old ladies who were praying for him. His fellow priests in the Church performed twice which I wasn't able to watch only the last one. The Parish groups prepared too. Some of them danced, some sang, some had this gloved hand with blue light performance, and some had acted on a drama.

There were of course overflowing of food, and guests from his former parishes. I stayed at Papa's room most of the time, though, to rest my aching feet due to my high-heeled sandals and to watch TV too.

I visited the covered court again (were the program was being held), to check other performers and had this pic of ours before we went home. He's really my favorite uncle!


I was having a little mood swing yesterday morning. My breasts are tender, I crave for things... I don't want to move at all even if it's just to find my charger and charge my phone. I don't want to be seen even in webcam when my Ham and I chatted. I feel so fat and ugly, that eventhough Ham assured me it's fine with him no matter how I look like, my disgust won over.

It's bad that I haven't had my period up until now since July. It sounded fine to me back in College for I do not have to buy napkins monthly and no fuss at all, with changing, and the uncomfy feeling of something stuck in your undies.

That perception changed when I'm already this old, you know, the reproductive age. I really want to have kids in the future, so it would be wiser to prepare my reproductive system this early.

I had a check up before I turned 18 regarding my irregular period, but the Gynecologist told me it's still normal considering my age and my usual activities at school and in Karate. I think I really have a higher level of testosterone than with my estrogen.

I must get back to the clinic and have it check though, and I'm wait for it's arrival...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Unit exam

Ok, tomorrow we will have unit exam on RLE. This time it's about Comfort, Pain, Rest, and Sleep. Goodluck kae, ala ka pa nare-review...

Also to my friend here in blogspot boy okoy.. and my girlfriends Empot, Melaipot, and Xands.

Yehey, Lizzie will be returning in Metro next sem! Saya saya!

Relieving the tired body

Aargh... Hamkin's bro saw my pic in his display image.

Here's my first reaction: "What?! and it's not even my best pic!" I asked him how did it happen. He told me that he put it there so that his HS friend could see his gf.

Second reaction? .... "Awww.... love nya ako talaga..". Then Hamkin told me his plan of introducing me formally to his siblings first on December. If I'm already ready, then we'll see his parents. I believe the latter would take time.

Then for my third reaction... "Nginig nginig... kaba kaba"

Mom for a day

Yep, I was a mom-fo-a-day for Geri today. She had her field trip and needed someone to go with her. We went to St. Peter's Church in Commonwealth, La Mesa Dam Eco Park in Fairview, and Storyland in SM Fairview. The kids obviously enjoyed the Storyland more than the park. Geri's remark bout the park being dirty because of the sight of soil made me laugh. Kids in their generation really grew up in Mall for a leisure walk and not the park where we, then-kids used to visit.

This trip was a new experience. It was the first time (i think) thatI had to look for other people and I guess first attempt to become a truly responsible adult.

I guess I did fine for the job.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Choco Ham

I'm guilty for finishing a Hazelnut Chocolat Goutier Delicieux. I'll burn this later in our Karate practice.^____^

I love Chocolates aside from Ham. Chocolate is like Ham. It's sweet and sometimes bitter. It's plain or nutty. It comes in different packages, but I get the same satisfaction. It makes me happy and alive. It helps me to think especially while reviewing for an exam. It makes me fat and energetic to burn the fat. It makes me crave for more... and more... and more.

I want more.

I am not an Accident

Two years ago I've purchased a book called The Purpose Driven Life. I know it's a good book so I gave it to friends as well without fully reading it myself.
Last month, a friend of mine who was having a birthday gave me and another friend this book, plastic covered and in bigger version than my old one. The fact that it was given to me (with a dedication), I felt obligated to read and fully appreciate the gift. Thank God, I didn't made a mistake.
I have a lot of issues with myself. People who are close to me knows and could see the real me. I am insecure with my physical and intellectual capacity. I don't like my 5'2" height. I don't like my square chubby face. I don't like not being able to be on top of the class. I don't like not having much money to level up with the family of my beau.
I know that some of those are lame. The first two, I cannot do anything about but the last two may change and I am hopeful. Then, I read the day 2 of the Purpose Driven Life, and it talks about God creating me like this. Here's a poem by Russell Kelfer to give u an insight of the chapter:

You are who you are for a reason.
You're part of an intricate plan.
You're precious and perfect unique design,
Called God's special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You're just what he wanted to make.
The parents you had were the ones He chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom-designed with God's plan in mind,
And they bear the Master's seal.
No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into His likeness you'd grow.
You are who you are for a reason,
You've been formed by the Master's rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!
I know it wouldn't be long, until I fully appreciate Kae who's completely and uniquely created by God. ^__^

Monday, August 08, 2005

Analogia site

I came across this site called Analogia. Through this link you would see your look alike in Hollywood. Check it out..

I tried it myself, and according to the site I look like: 1. Katie Price 2. Anna K. of the Tennis world and 3. Toni Braxton.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Gestation period

Just wondering... how will i look like if i got pregnant?

Mai and I went to Gateway this afternoon to visit her preggy friend, Ven. Aside from the fact that she misses her, she wanted to invite her on her bday party this friday.

Ven still looks pretty, but her tummy is bigger and lower compared to last time. She complained bout having big nose, darker nape and axilla, slower pace in walking, and having discharges which are the common effects of having a baby. These are just the physical effects. There are also emotional effects of pregnancy (she's a single parent)... that is.. being sensitive and depress most of the time. Hormonal imbalance or not... I guess it's just right to cheer and comfort her, that everything will be alright. Financially, it's a major problem. Normal delivery would take around 10,000php without doc's fee, and CS would amount to 40,000php. Of course, there's also the monthly check up of the baby.

I have a cousin who already have a son at such a young age, and i know how hard it is. Sure the baby looks really cute, but financially, i know they're having a hard time coping up.

Imagine: I won't be able to buy myself a cute blouse at the boutique, spend my allowance for a venti mocha frap, go out with my friends for a gimmick, or to even go for a summer trip (and a lot more) if that happens... tsk..tsk.. that's hard.

So eventhough i sometimes look so envious with those who have kids at this age... I realized that I'm still not ready for that experience, not yet...

And with the question of how I would look like being pregnant... though a minor concern... I think I would look really terrible...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Judy Anne and Ryan

waah! i think i'm already a fan of juday and ryan! ang jologs pero heto't kinikilig ako sa kakatapos lang na story na ginawa nila sa Maalaala... They look good together!

A single text

I received a text this afternoon after the chat and my smile won't fade until now...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Ber month coming soon

See how fast days gone by? We're already nearing the "Ber" month! It's always exciting to think about the Yuletide season especially if you're waiting for somebody or for something to happen...

In my case, I am excited for the arrival of Hamkin. After a year of just chat, text, and phonecalls, I can't wait to see him in flesh again. Aside from that, my relatives from Germany, Canada, and London will be here for the Season, and I'm sooo excited to see them all (aside from the pasalubongs, of course,hehe). The gatherings will be fun fun fun! I will be documenting it by capturing those moments from my cam. I am not that good in gettng the right angles but I am working on it.

Meanwhile, I need to stay in shape in preparation for the festivities. By that, I need to lose more inches, to make room for the calories i would gain for the festivities. I need to get good grades and please my parents, so I could make a request on my bday. Lastly, to enhance myself on becoming a true "lady".

Happy Birthday Mai on the 10th! Love u friend! Mwah!