Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Retreat 2008

I didn't join the retreat this year, but instead went to my lolo's house in Cainta with Mom. I don't think i missed that much though...

I spent time with my bulilit cousins. Me and my 6-yr-old cousin fetched her grade 2 sister Charlene from school, driving the pedicab! Nice, at least i can drive that properly. After unloading her super heavy bag at home we went to see our other cousins Maybel, April, and Jun who are all under 10 yrs old, and who just lived nearby. They are so hyperactive and wanting to have their turn in the pedicab or the bicycle, which Cheska brought with her. Actually I did envy their prowess in riding the bicycle, for up until now I haven't learn how to do it.

My lolo, still in his bed, have sharper memory than lola who's got a mild alzheimer's disease. Lolo however, became considerably thinner, with his bones outlining his frame. But he still have a good grip, and I like the feel of it everytime I hold his hand. Strong grip, just like his will to live.

Tita Josie, Daddy's older sister will be coming back to Germany later tonight. She, Tita Ching, and Tita Vigie arrived here this month to visit lolo. Though Tita Ching went back to London and Tita Vigie to Oman a week earlier. Tito Eddie, the eldest might come home too this February, coming from Canada. It'll be just Daddy who won't be coming home anytime soon.

There was a bit of a melodrama before we left Cainta. Tita Jo's reminding me and Mom that we are loved, and that I'm blessed for having a great Mom like my Mom. And I agree to that. I'm really blessed for having a family like mine. Not perfect, but just right. ^__^ Thank God for that.

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