Monday, April 25, 2005

Do i really have to put a title here?

10.30 PM, Sunday. I had a very exhausting and fulfilling week and I am ready to re-energize my tired body and abused feet.

My week only started to feel right last Thursday. I busied myself swimming in the Sports Complex and practicing the “relaxed” freestyle. I know how to swim in freestyle but do not know how to use it in slower pace. I have a problem relaxing my upper body while swimming and breathing that it affects my position on water. I was told to give just one week straight to practice and I will get it eventually.

I continued my work out at Unilever where we practice Karate. I had a hard time executing the drills for I lost most of my energy earlier that day. We had Kata, which I was trying to escape, and sadly, we had sparring. A year had passed since I last spar and it was the last thing I want to do that moment. My heart was beating fast, as always, as the first batch started to spar for 3 minutes. My turn came. I was matched to another Purple belter. I was taking it easy since I thought it was just a drill to practice our footworks and some technique. But alas, my partner started hitting me hard. I was punched on my face, chest, and landed on my butt. I wasn’t expecting it. As we continued the fight, I played hard and even. Even if I was really drained with energy, I tried to focus more and when I had the opening, hit him on his face. It was not intentional, but I punched him hard on his face. His lower lip was cut and a drop of blood started to color his lip.

I was excited to chat with Ham that night and tell him my story. Unfortunately, he felt sick that night and needed to rest. I called him up and said good night. It was nice hearing his voice again.

The next day I was supposed to meet ate Love at Galleria. When I get there, I checked my phone for messages while listening to Ipod, oblivious to my surrounding. I was shocked to see a queer guy standing in front of me saying something. I took off my earphones and listen to what he was saying. He was inviting me to be one of the guinea pigs in trying out a new product of an international hair company. I agreed to join him and another girl thinking it would be quick. We went to their office and saw in awe a lot of models getting make up and hair do. I met 2 other girls. We were asked to do a cat walk in our disgust in front of their boss. We all don’t know how to do it. Anyway, in the end we didn’t passed the screening for they were actually looking for taller girls for their fashion show. I stand 5’2”. We didn’t expect that it would be for a fashion show. Anyway, I just feel glad that I had a chance to peek into the world of walking mannequins, see many pretty faces, and get to meet new acquaintances.

I spent the night at the house of my former boss’ GF . I was appalled with what I heard when I got there. She and ma’am A broke up. It was a sad news. Oh, and I met my two pretty bestfriends in HS and another friend. One of them is preggy, yey!

Physically exhausted and emotionally too, I just wanted to loll in a deep slumber. But I couldn’t do it in my friend’s house. I heard lots of issues that arises in a relationship and things that need to be done. I think of Ham, and though afraid of the fate, I am willing to give my all to my beloved. Hardships in life will be present, physically and emotionally, and given that, I would be willing to face it squarely with Ham by my side, and with God’s grace on us. 11.30PM.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My most boring summer ever!

Is this the effect of having to stay at home for two days straight? I am starting to feel depressed instead of rejuvenated. Depressing questions are starting to pop out of my head, which leads to self-pity. It is frustrating to feel this way. I feel useless and a failure. Issues within myself are starting to resurrect.

While I am here at home doing nothing, my friends are doing well in their fields. One of my bestfriends just got promoted, the other one just bought a fifteen thousand bed which she saved from her salary, and my brother is starting to train for one of the five star hotel. I mean, I am happy for them but I just cannot help but feel sorry for myself.

My grand lola’s sister commented, “nakakatuwa naman si kae… hindi nagsasawang mag-aral”. What’s that suppose to mean? I really don’t take it as a complement.

Pff… maybe I’m just over reacting. This is my most boring summer ever!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Untitled O___O

My weekend was productive. Aside from the Pope's interment last Friday, two of my fave soaps ended. I was not that happy with the ending... it's either too predictable or very tragic. I still like Meteor Garden the most. Anyway that evening, sensei texted me for a favor. He will be unavailable for his Karate practice in Makati and so asked me to assist Bubbles in handling the kids.

I was twenty minutes late and when I got to the dojo, there's only one senior with the kids. So I was like, "umm.. hello...." to no one in particular. But deep down inside I was kinda nervous. It was my first time to handle kids ranging from 4-8 years old. We did our usual drills and when there was a break, I introduced myself to the senior and he introduced himself with a boy's name. I told him that sensei asked me to look for Bubbles, and guess what, he's bubbles. O__O

After the practice, I went to Powerbooks and bought volume 2 of the Sandman ^_____^. I'm done reading it and really want to buy the next volume, but i've got no money, waaah! I also bought a friend Lord of the Flies to add stamps for the membership card.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy hormone!

I was feeling down and sad lately so I decided to do something about it. Like I used to do in College, I need a happy hormone! The only proven way for me to attain that is through sweating by any sports. I went back practicing Tennis. It was my first time to use the racquet Dad gave me… only to find out that it was the Junior type racquet. Still, I’m happy and satisfied with my day. ^_____^

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Hospital day

I started my day at the hospital. I accompanied Papa (my lolo) on his first operation ever. We were the first one to arrive at 630am. Though it took us 3 hours waiting for the doctor, only 10 minutes were spent at the operating room to replace a lens. My mom, ate mi, and joy were also there to boost papa's confidence on that operation. Thank God, everything went well.
From UST, we went back to the convent and dropped off Papa. Ate Mi and I went to Chinese Gen, along with her officemtes, this time to visit the son(Francis) of Kuya vic. Francis got an operation too, but only to fix the fracture he got while playing.
When we were in UST, I witness how the hospital staff deliver a cadaver at the Morgue. Just like in movies, it was covered with white cloth, and the staff rolled it in a rush so as not to attract a lot of people and spook them.
On our way to Chinese Gen, we witnessed a girl got hit by a motorbike and got stucked under the bike with 2 guys riding on it. It shocked as all, went quiet, and just watched the seminarian bro. rowell drive.
We parked our car in front of the hospital. We took the foot bridge which was fully covered in crossing the street. As we were walking, Ate Mi who's third eye was partially open got goosebumps. Upon seeing her reaction, I got spooked as well, for I know her ability in sensing things we don't normally see. We later on found out that the bridge was originally built to transfer cadavers from the hospital going to the parking lot which was originally a place for cremating. Spooky.
Anyway, my day doesn't end there, for I was really pissed off by what I was called by my supposedly fave tita. Joking or not, it really hurt me, and I cried. I already cried yesterday, when I had an argument with Ham. But it was settled immediately before we log off. I was surprised when he called me, but happy as well. So then, I decided to call him up to lighten up my mood. Just as i thought, his voice erased all the sadness that i felt...:)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Goodbye Pope and Thank you...

A lot of people cried for the demise of Pope John Paul II yesterday, April 3. He had touched not only the hearts of the Christians, but the non-Christians as well. He influenced the people spiritually and politically too.

Live broadcasts has been done since the decline of Pope’s health, 3 days ago. People gathered at the St. Peter’s Square to pray and held a vigil. It might appear bizarre to those outside our religion, but this man with a pure heart, made a change in our lives.

I was in Grade 5 when I knew him. He was here for the World Youth Day. I don’t know why I didn’t attend that event. Fortunately, my Mom brought me at Papal Nunciature where he was staying and waited for him to come outside of his balcony. When he went to see all those who gathered in front of the place, it was then that I first saw the Pope. I first noticed how angelic his face was, and very good looking for his age. I made a paper about him and enjoyed reading about his life.

I have a high regard for his enthusiasm in holding big gatherings even at the onset of his sickness, walking hunched and very slowly with a tremor in his hands and voice; combating his earthly pains and being brave and hopeful as his health gradually failed.

Thank you Pope John Paul II, for being a good example to us. I know that you are now in a better place with God, our Father. We pray that your successor will also inhibit the qualities that you have in uniting us, and being strong in the face of tribulations.
Exactly the same day, was my boyfriend’s birthday. He was also sad about the Pope, and it even happened on his birthday. But as what he said, I should be happy that the Pope is now with God.

On Ham’s birthday, we celebrated it together thru chat and web cam. I am glad that he liked the gift I shipped on him. He went out Friday night with his friends and spent Saturday night chatting with me while we waited for his birthday. I bought a mini cake yesterday, and ate it on behalf of him…:yummy:

Ai and I met the other day at school. She was writing her term paper about Krystala. Weird topic but sensible, I admit. She is currently studying MA in Communication Arts and that paper was for her Media-something-subject. It was tough reading her sources for it was in deep Tagalog. She spent the night at home which was good since I really missed my bestfriend in College. It was exactly a year ago when we started to become adventurous and went to Puerto Galera. Oh, a lot of adventures followed.