Sunday, August 07, 2005

Gestation period

Just wondering... how will i look like if i got pregnant?

Mai and I went to Gateway this afternoon to visit her preggy friend, Ven. Aside from the fact that she misses her, she wanted to invite her on her bday party this friday.

Ven still looks pretty, but her tummy is bigger and lower compared to last time. She complained bout having big nose, darker nape and axilla, slower pace in walking, and having discharges which are the common effects of having a baby. These are just the physical effects. There are also emotional effects of pregnancy (she's a single parent)... that is.. being sensitive and depress most of the time. Hormonal imbalance or not... I guess it's just right to cheer and comfort her, that everything will be alright. Financially, it's a major problem. Normal delivery would take around 10,000php without doc's fee, and CS would amount to 40,000php. Of course, there's also the monthly check up of the baby.

I have a cousin who already have a son at such a young age, and i know how hard it is. Sure the baby looks really cute, but financially, i know they're having a hard time coping up.

Imagine: I won't be able to buy myself a cute blouse at the boutique, spend my allowance for a venti mocha frap, go out with my friends for a gimmick, or to even go for a summer trip (and a lot more) if that happens... tsk..tsk.. that's hard.

So eventhough i sometimes look so envious with those who have kids at this age... I realized that I'm still not ready for that experience, not yet...

And with the question of how I would look like being pregnant... though a minor concern... I think I would look really terrible...


boy okoy said...

Hey missy! I understood everything except for the word "axilla"? Nursing terminology. ;P Take this one for instance, defecating means Jebs or feces means Ka-e. :P I think you should worry about other midterm exams perhaps? ^_^

kakae said...

I know, i know... mr jebs! hmmp!