Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I love Neil Gaiman!

I was so exhausted, but happy last night. I actually fell asleep in front of the pc while chatting with Hamkin. It had been a very long tiring day. I went straight in Gateway after my 9am class, so happy thinking I am early for the 430pm book signing, not wanting to be cut off just like what happened on Sunday in Greenhills. I was number 133 in line. Open mouthed as I was looking at my number, I still felt lucky for getting the number, and waited patiently. It was the first time I felt so rewarded after being patient. It was a sweet sweet reward.

Moving on, and moving on the line, I felt that I couldn't anymore attend my 1-4pm class since I had to return in line before 3pm for the confirmation of our slot and stub. I told my self to be ready for the consequence of missing my RLE and missing a quiz, and after that forget about school today.Yep, and so I changed from my school uniform to my casual clothes of black top and jeans and waited patiently in line together with a friend, Nick, whom I met on Sunday in Greenhills, and other friends Karen (editor), Sherwin (writer), and JB (artist) all from Knowledge Channel. Cool isn't it? That's one good advantage of the long line. We were huddled on our place talking and laughing. It was a good experience to meet people like them. Later on, we also met Jason Ferrer, who looks familiar, and turned out to be a professor in La Salle, with his sister Carmille who works for NGO. Interesting mix of people I might say.

Around 6pm our line was finally moving and nearing the Fully Booked entrance. We were so excited and smile won't leave our faces. We started taking pix of Neil as we went nearer, and somehow, we felt so sad because the end of our adventure was coming to an end. Our goal of finally meeting Neil was going to be realized. And then, it was our time...
I was only allowed to sign 1 book since I don't have a book stub which you could get buy purchasing Gaiman's book on Fully Booked. But thanks to JB, he passed his book stub on my hand, secretly so I could have 2 of my books, the Endless nights and Coraline signed. ^_______^ Fully booked organizers were there to get our pix taken from our camera. The girl told me to not ask Neil to pose for our shot but just lean on him and smile on cam and if I get lucky, Neil might smile too. He did smile for our shot and I was ecstatic! My head was leaning on his head and it felt so good. I'm sooo ectatic until now. ^_________^

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