Sunday, July 24, 2005

I'm not a gimikera

DISCLAIMER: This blog consists of the detailed account I've had in my gimmicks with friends. It is quite long, and I guarantee that this will be boring after a while.

We went to Arlington to pay last respect to the funeral wake of Liezl's sister. According to the old beliefs, one should make a stop over before going home. And so we did. Melai, Jaivy, and I headed in Malate where there's a lot of bars to choose from. It would be Melai's 3rd time to drink a liquor and a 1st time to be in a busy place like Malate. Jaivy claimed that he doesn't know much about bars (tlaga lang ha?). So, it was me who suggested the bar. I chose Bedrock, since there's a free entrance and a live band playing. We ordered Nachos and 3 SanMig Lights. Still adjusting from the loud noise inside, we commented on how the band plays, and thought that the male vocalist looks like our "bi" classmate, attractive and beautiful. The second band on the other hand looks like a group of midgets (according to jaivs). In fairness, they performed better than the other one. I got home around 1.30am.

It was a great night with my girlfriends!

Saturday night, and I was "alone" at home. Mommy attended the Leadership training they have in Antipolo. Kim on the other hand, was also out and would be home in the morning. I have the place all by myself! I felt exhilarated! And then, Mai texted me, said she and Grace would eat dinner at Jollibee near our place. I went there to meet them and eat my 2nd dinner. As I was eating my burger, they informed me that we will be heading to Ospital ng Maynila, where my soon-to-be-a-doctor friend, and whom I blind dated for Mai was staying for residency. Grace and I were teasing Mai to Kawheng. They're so right for each other,hehe. They have this bubbly,witty personality, and the energy to talk even when they are really tired. Grace said that it's good for Mai and believed that Kawheng "tamed" Mai! haha! That was the same term she used, that Ham also "tamed" me. A wild tiger! But that word won't apply to Grace's case. We're still waiting for the time when Grace would become "wild" and lose some of her inhibitions...
Anyway, we were there to give Kawheng's Wendy's meal, Mai's treat. Number 1 meal, upsized. That's how sweet Mai is. We weren't there for long, and since I need to use the loo for a leak, we headed straight to Bluewave (sossiness and everything). The drive going there was awesome. The three of us in Mai's car, windows down,and just letting the wind flirt with our hair, singing loud n'sync with songs in the radio... aahh... the freedom, and the realization that we're old enough to do those trippings. It was... great!
We had frap in Starbuck's, Choco Cream (Venti) on both of them, and Mocha (also venti) for me, Mai's treat for being regularized in a big Insurance company. She also ordered Oreo cheesecake which made Grace gag. It was her "day-off" from her regimen and all she had intaked got mixed up that moment. We reminisced what we have done during our Galera trip, and I was guilty for not "documenting" it. My short term memory won over and I forgot the details of what we've done. Fortunately, Mai had this little notebook where I wrote the details of our detailed activities.

Our Galera activities:

June 3

As we were on board the ferry, I got a look at the brochure of where we will stay, The Big Apple Hotel in Sabang. We were heading to White Beach. So clearly, it was a mistake. We asked the local people on how to reach our hotel, and were a bit dismayed when we realized we had to take another boat ride or tricycle to reach the place. We chose the tricycle ride. It was a 30-minute noisy and smoke-belching ride. Luckily, they were in the mood to take that ride as part of the adventure. As we arrived in Sabang, we immediately noticed that most of the tourists were foreigners, unlike in White Beach. On our way to our hotel we passed lots of strip bar, which explain the amount of foreigners in the area.
The room that was initially indicated in "Grace's won prize" was not available so they changed it to room no. 1. Luckily it was big, with 2 queen sized beds, nice bathroom, TV with cable and with AC. We had lunch in an expensive fastfood and made "What are friends for" (tama ba Grace?) as our theme song for the day. As soon as we were in the room, we unpacked our things, wore our swim suits for the day and had a pictorial...hehe. Some of the pictures can be seen in my friendster photos.
We toured the place, and saw that Sabang is really a diving spot. The beach is rocky, with lots of seaweeds, not really pleasing to the sight and smell. But anyway we walked the stretch and found a nicer spot with finer sand. Three dogs were playing as we were walking in front of "Mabuhay Resort", which frightened Grace. 3 small dogs playing, take note. We posed and took our pictures, talked, and lie down on the sand. A great way to feel and commune with nature.

June 4

Our second day was the highlighted part of our trip. We hired a boat to tour us on different islands except White Beach due to the incoming storm, and huge waves on that part. We snorkled on Coral Garden and floated for 20 min along with other tourist who also can't go near White Beach. The water was crystal clear, and the sun was just right. It wasn't that glaring so Mai and I enjoyed floating. Grace was more comfortable in the boat though.
Back in Sabang, we changed outfits and rode the jeep and tricycle going to White Beach. We had lunch there, shopped for pasalubongs, and spent the night in one of the bar on the beach. We met Trisha, Jamie, and Cielo, who were all gays. They run the bar, and it was nice talking to these beautiful gays. We had Mindoro Sling on pitcher and let Grace drink for the first time. She got tipsy right away, and I followed suit.
During the tricycle ride back to our hotel, Mai let us sit inside. The road was lined with trees without street lamps. It was dark, with only the waves we could hear from the distance, the roar of the tricycle's engine, and just our voices to embrace ourselves from the cold wisp of air. Mai confessed on talking to the driver just to ward off the frightened feeling she had on our way. Grace and I were also talking to pass the time. She told me how she misses her family, and also the first time I saw her cry.
Suddenly she said "tumawa ka" (laugh), over the noise created by the tricycle. She even mentioned about how her aunt fell from the tricycle because she didn't laugh. Shocked with what she said, I just did what she told me to do, knowing that Grace knew a lot of superstitions which wouldn't harm if I'll do in a strange place like that. After a while, she asked me, what's funny. Confused on that question, I told her that she asked me to laugh, so I did. She started laughing, and explained that she actually said "humawak ka" (hold), since there were lots of curves on the way. Her aunt fell because she didn't hold on to the bars. It was embarassing and refreshing at the same time. It was a combined drama and comedy. We then let Grace sleep on the bed and sneaked to the bar. Mai and I continued drinking at the Big Apple bar. It was a bit frightening because there were lots of foreigners with hookers on their side. Anyway, Mai and I reviewed our past love lives especially her past relationship with Papadoc and Dian. We drank Mudslide and San Mig light. I was feeling light headed but continued still, as I was waiting for Mai to give up and tell me that she's drank. But Mai wanted another drink, and so I ordered too. Bailey's for her, and Monkey's brain for me. I got really drank and had a hard time walking straight towards our room. Grace was awake and told us she vomit, and made her feel better. Alcohol won't affect Mai, and she was confused. I on the other hand, was wasted. Mai showered first. It was the time I cried hard, telling Grace about my "Personal legends", and telling her that I feel that I cannot be as successful like them. I tend to cry when I'm drank.

June 5

We woke up early and headed straight to White Beach. We had our breakfast and bought tickets for our ride home. As we were waiting for our 11am boat, Mai and I sun bathed for a while, and shopped for a bit more. The waves were big, and the boat was rocking hard, making Mai's head hurt, and contributed to my hang over. But with God's guidance we were able to reached the land without accident. The bus ride was uneventful except for the noisy foreigner who kept on asking her Filipina companion on petty things. A stop over at Chowking was made before Grace and I hailed the taxi and Mai went to Pandacan terminal.
The trip was great and I am looking forward for another one.

It's past 5 in the morning... need to sleep a bit. Mass at 8am.

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